The era of the Elements - a game for the iPhone or iPad for two. Two players play against each other. The rules are not complicated, but simple enough to not read them - he directs the course of the game players and suggest alternatives. Despite the fact that the era of the Elements is simple, its design is beautiful and pleasant.
Then I try to highlight the main points of the game.
As I already said, to learn to play the game very simple, not to say that learning is not necessary. The principle of this game is similar to rock-paper-scissors with the only difference is that here you are playing on the device and the 5th element: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

Elements interact with each other on the principle of priority:
To understand how to interact with the elements, consider one of them, like fire. Fire beats Earth, Metal, at the time, like water and fire wood win.
Thus, each player initially on 5 elements. The first player's turn - it is a choice of one of them. Suppose the first player chooses the Earth, and the second player - Metal. They do it one by one, passing the device and selecting a closed map, so the probability of "cheat" and brought to naught spy.
Once a selection is made, the screen there are two cards face down.
Then press the button "Battle" and the card upside down.
On the card itself has hints of interaction: the right symbols of the elements that card wins, the left - the elements that winning card.
Thus, the first player wins and receives one point. If both players choose the same element (water and water), we obtain a draw and no one gets the points.
Then, players choose one of the remaining elements. Better remember which item the opponent has played. The game is played as long as all five elements will not be played. The winner is the one who scored the most points.
So, I would like to recommend this game as a brilliant way to relax and have fun together.
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